"Mintrel could be the most deadly threat we ever faced," said Batman shortly after Minstrel
made his pressence known in Gotham. Indeed, he was holding many of Gotham City's wealthy ransom
with threats to sink the Gotham Stock Exchange if he wasn't given $1,000 per week from each
of its members.
What made him so dangerous was he possessed a "level of electronic sophistication far beyond
anyone else in the world" at that time. He was an electronic genius which was in fact a logical
pursuit for someone who was also highly talented in music. You see, both music and electronic
energy are transmitted in waves.
Minstrel used his musical talents to deliver his demands and taunts to Gotham's citizens, police
force and protectors over the air waves. With rhyming lyrics he would communicate his villainous
intents accompanied by soft strumming on a lute. In addition, he has the peculiar habit of
rolling his 'r's.
Not only was he a evil mastermind, but also a strikingly handsome man who possessed a winning
charm. Many of Gotham City's women were swooned by his personality and warm, attractive singing
voice. Harriet Cooper, Aunt to Bruce Wayne's youthful ward Dick Grayson, was one such woman.
When his female partner in crime, Octavia, remarked Batman too had a warm, attractive voice,
Minstel was incredulous. He could not understand how Octavia could be fooled by what he called
Batman's "phony mystique". Later on, he called Batman and Robin "inefficient".
Though he appeared to be in great physical shape, he abhored violence, refusing to indulge
in fisticuffs or brawling. When he was finally captured by Batman and Robin, his men defeated,
he went peacefully into police custody. He did, however, promise a jailbreak in a song composed
for a television interview.
Weapons and Equipment
The weapons and gadgets in Mintrel's arsenal were ones of his own ingenius design. With his
vast knowledge of electronics and music, he was able to specially create weapons that would
be key to his caper.
- Counter Oscilators- These fascinating little devices were placed in the transmission
circuits of the Gotham Stock Exchange, confusing the circuits so no stock market prices
came out right. By doing so, Minstrel had full control over Gotham's stock market.
- Static bolts- discharged from a small hand-held device, these bolts were used to temporarily
blind and distract many people within a room.
- Sonic beam- With this device, Minstrel could transmit the sympathetic vibration of
any structure in Gotham City. By creating this resonance, Minstrel could shake Gotham City
to dust.
Known Associates
Just as Batman and Robin do not go at crime-fighting alone, Gotham City's most notorious villains need fellow partners in crime to assist them with their malicious schemes.
Bass and Treble- simple henchmen
Octavia- Even though she was enchanted by Batman's warm attractive voice, she remained
true to Minstrel right to the very end. As a result, she was sent to prison with
the rest of his criminal ilk.
To some people villainy is a job; but, unlike the rest of the law-abiding citizens of Gotham City, villains do not work in an office, factory, or from their own homes. They must establish a 'hideout' from which they can organize and orchestrate their evil deeds.
- a Willow Street warehouse
From time to time, those nasty villains would resort to insults. What follows are the names used by Minstrel.
- Righteous Reformer
- Enemy of Enterprise
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